Monday, September 11, 2006

suicidal? Now you could be expelled too.

See article here: here about a bunch of college either expelling students who are suicidal or kicking them out of the dorms.

This was regular practice where I was employed before, and it drive me absolutely nuts. I realize that students might receive better counseling at home, but I can't imagine that the following scenario wouldn't happen:

Thought 1: Oh god, I'm doing horrible in class, I'm a huge fuck up, my relationships are all trash, I'm all emo and want to die!
Thought 2: I should really go see somebody about this... *makes appointment at campus counseling center*
And then they get sent home to have...
Thought 3: Oh god! now I've been kicked out of school and lost my chance at ever having a good career!

Sorry, but that's not the best way to get people help, in fact, that's just going to teach students to NOT get help, since it might really destroy their chances now at getting a degree.

I know that plenty of students go on to pursue degrees when they get older, but that won't keep people from feeling like failures if they get expelled for suicidal THOUGHTS now.

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