Friday, January 12, 2007

personal feminism vs. academic feminism vs. vs. "straight gaydar"

In my Feminism and Composition course last night we were asked why we want to be there. For me, that question is hard to answer because my personal reasons for wanting that class and my professional ones are vastly different. On one hand, I feel as though I missed oppurtunities to learn from other women at my last school because I blew off the idea that this stuff was important, and now that I know that it is I don't want to be doing that again (personal). My dissertation might have something to do with empowering moderate voices, and I'd like to tie that into postmodern feminism as well (professional). And lastly, I just want to think of new ways of dealing with hinky situations that reveal far more about the misogyny of those I am in contact with in hopes of persuading them otherwise (personal, but yeah--fat chance).

This last is something I'd like to expand upon further here, despite this being an academic journal and despite this being a "personal problem."

One of my friends from my last school that had a couple classes with and worked on projects with has recently become a devotee of the stuff taught at This site gives advice to men on how to pick up women, get their phone numbers, and also not ever be very attached to one women (oneitis) even in marriage. Oh yeah, and you need to touch people a lot (kino).

Now my first reaction was to call bullshit on all that. If some guy touches me in a bar he might very well end up with his own hand shoved straight up his patoot. Strangers don't get good touch/bad touch privleges, even if they are trying to get my bloody phone number. Actually, I don't go to bars or clubs to meet people, I go with existing friends, so any time I've ever been approached by anybody (and yes, some of them have used these techniques) has been somewhat disastrous for them and they walked away thinking I was a huge bitch because I don't and didn't give in.

But as he continues to write about this on his blog, and as I started to read that site (which I found by googling some language he uses, it may not ACTUALLY be where he goes, I don't know) I've found that's not my primary reaction. It's clear that these techniques do work, even if not particularly on me, and that the things said about women on these sites is destructive and sort of terrifying.

Now he claims that this is all about being more confident and being able to get what he wants by being more confident. But what does he want, and how does confidence effect that?

So... let's begin with a few quotes.

"The thought of whether she likes you should never cross your mind. It is not important BEFORE you ask for the number. The important thing is you WANTING her. Always ask yourself "Do I want this one?". And the answer should be 'Wow. Boy do I!' That is all you need to know. Real men TAKE what they want." From here. This statement, and others just like it, repeated over and over again, are something akin to the biggest promotion of rape culture I've ever read in my entire life.

And, from the same page:
""Feminism came without warning... and conquered men. It has created a generation of neurotic males. A male of this time may be one of them.

-Do you believe it is wrong to judge a woman by how she looks?

-Do you believe it is wrong to advance on a woman, sexually, with no verbal consent?

-Do you believe women have been 'discriminated' because of their gender, that males intentionally put women down?

-Do you believe that in sex, it is wrong to even consider to 'have your way with her' and become and be the sensuous animal you've always dreamed?

-Do you believe women desire, as priority, respect?

"If you believe in any of these things, even just a little, you have been affected by Modern Feminism. It is the virus that creates the effects known as Nice Guyius Patheticus!"

And this is what one of my "friends" is believing in.

This site repeats, over and over again, that women have TOO MUCH POWER and it must be taken from them at all costs.

Women should be MORE OBJECTIFIED, not less.

Furthermore, all women on the site are referred to by numbers representing their overall hotness. Hotness is based upon nothing but personal appearance, of course, because what a man WANTS on this site and what a man believes he deserves, what he is entitled to, is a woman that is far more attractive than he might be (which was something I noticed a whole heck of a lot at my last school. If you don't ever leave the front of your computer, eat nothing but ramen, and never shower, don't expect a super model boys, and just following the tips on this website to change those behaviors does NOT make you MORE DESERVING of a super model, sheesh.)

""The truth: Feminism is not declaring war on masculinity but on femininity! Feminism is a political Tower of Babylon to escape the truth of Human Nature.

"I'm in America. And I LOVE foreign chicks. They are just so feminine. Here, the chicks act masculine and get fat. They find it shameful to place their time and talents into their family and children (whereas, it should be their greatest joy).

"I think it is great honor, joy, privledge, and pleasure to be a Man. Women can trump us as they can be a Mother of Men. There is much glory in masculinity and femininity. But feminists are AGAINST both."

Yes of course, all american women are fat. But what IS fat?

Well first of all, any jiggling (even normal BMI) is fat:
"So because fat girls get by because of their "booty" (if you can find it under all the cellulite), more girls can get fat, develop a "booty" and not have to exercise.

after a short time of this, the average standard for women that men have, as well as the amount of work that women have to do to attract a man decreases even more"

You know, because girls should naturally have to work out just for men.

I've also read on this site that belly fat is okay, not NOTHING on the legs or butt is, because legs and butt are what attracts men. Nevermind that belly fat is more dangerous to women's health (even a little).

If a man admits to finding something other than the "feminine ideal" super skinny attractive, he'll be called gay: "man are you homosexual? That woman in the tan pants has a nice booty? If you like men, I have nothing against that though." In fact, ANY femininity in men is seen as gay on this site.

See more quotes:
"A woman’s sexual past is a key element on how she will be subservient in her role as a wife and your chances of a marriage without overbearing strife – hors are much more haughty and stubborn than virgins!! They lie about their past sexual relationships because they know that a slut/hor (non-virgin) is an unnatural condition for a woman (future wife) and they wish to deceive you (especially if they are seeking ltr/husband material) because intelligent men know that her sexual past is directly tied to her mindset, and her devotion in her role as a wife and to her duties as a mother!" From here.

"I have only one thing to say about women's sexual past: Get in early as you can. "

"I for one will not take any woman serious who has had slept around or had flings. Its OK, if the girl has had sex when she was in love, but if she is a hor, it tells me she has no control over her sexual urges, which also means she has no control over her morals, dignity and picks Orgasms over self-respect..."

These guys want to know why feminism is still necessary since the movement "won" what it wanted.

They're the freaking reason that feminism is still important.

Lastly, I guess I just want to study more about women's studies in hopes of being able to respond and get more than a "you're stupid" answer from my friend. A mutual friend who commented to him got a brush off answer.

Ever since I found out he thinks this way now, I wonder how many times in class he was also thinking "oh her? She's just a 5" or you know, whatever. I don't like to think that whatever interactions I've had with this person involved me being a NUMBER and utterly worthless because I was a happily taken classmate and not a sexual object.

Really lastly, the blatant homophobia on that site (though they claim they aren't homophobic) ties into this conversation a bit. A lot of people that I knew at school that also knew this guy knew that he dated girls, but a lot of them thought he might be gay. I'm not sure what the difference is between "slightly feminine most likely straight guy" is in "straight gaydar" or "slightly feminine most likely gay gay" is, but there is one to most people.

Now, this fellow claims to have had lots of women problems, although he's dated (and many of my friends hadn't even gotten that far). Nobody ever wanted to tell them "Well, girls might think you're gay." It's rude, it's disrespectful of real uncloseted gay people, and it's not right to just assume something about somebody else's sexuality. Is there a place for straight gaydar at all? (that's one question... sometimes I think there is, for example one of my acquaintences who was "out" turned around and married for the sake of his religion, the girl still doens't know as far as I know, and well... in that situation and ANY like it why should either party be unhappy? As long as people aren't comfortable being out, or are told that they are intrinsically "wrong," hrm...)

But for these guys with mistaken sexual identity, a place like sosuave might seem to be the place to learn to conquer those women that they HATE because women won't date them. It's no answer, it just makes all the problems we have worse. Living in a woman's body doesn't make me want to work less, doesn't make me want to raise a family more (my SO is far more interested in that than I am at this point in time), and doesn't make me stupider dammit. Oh yeah, it also doesn't make me automatically a "hor."


Anonymous said...


This is *so* disturbing, but I wouldn't say surprising. Like any other controversial subject, it's talked about underground. But how do we have honest conversations about it in the classroom setting? In the feminist theory class I took two years ago, there were only two men (out of a total of ~45 students)---who actually were pretty much more into feminism than some women were at the beginning of the class. I'm really looking forward to seeing what people in feminist rhetoric come up with this semester.


Anonymous said...

Where even to begin?

What always disturbs if not frightens me -- but doesn't surprise me -- is that the matter of power comes up so immediately in your quotes from sosuave. When masculinity is conceived as the right to judge, confidently and without self-reflection, combined with the right to enforce those judgments, when there is no humility before the lives of others, well....

And this is always a paradox for me in my teaching. There are in classes usually many male students who have undeserved confidence -- and many women who have the intelligence and thoughtfulness and complexity to have earned more confidence than they have. It is still confidence that helps people move well in the world and make change; it is the confidence that enables speaking up.

I do not want to destroy confidence; I wish rather to have it be tempered, to be uneasily worn, to be clothing that is always questioned.

thanks for posting this, Jill.

Nonchalant said...

Anonymous said...

"The thought of whether she likes you should never cross your mind. It is not important BEFORE you ask for the number. The important thing is you WANTING her. Always ask yourself "Do I want this one?". And the answer should be 'Wow. Boy do I!' That is all you need to know. Real men TAKE what they want." From here. This statement, and others just like it, repeated over and over again, are something akin to the biggest promotion of rape culture I've ever read in my entire life.

You're an idiot, and your unsubstantiated accusatons and fear-mongering give feminism a bad name. . Being assertive and knowing what you want is to rape as being hungry is to murder.


Kev said...

After reading your post, I think you should not be called a "feminist" but rather a gay-rights advocate, or in your case, lesbian rights. You have described that it is wrong for a man to be a man, so women should go after girls instead.

I know from experience that straight women do not like men acting like little boys or girls.

By the way, NOWHERE on that site have I ever seen to preach disrespect to women. The closest thing I have seen is not to tolerate disrespect from women.

And to what you said about guys hating fat girls, I'm sorry, if you like munching on McDonalds all day long, but what attracts us is what attracts us. Men hit the gym all the time too, I don't see why women cannot. And no, you do not have to be anorexic looking, most men like some meat on their women.

Anonymous said...

humans have walked the earth for few hundred thousand years (3.6 million???) Avery single one of them would be rolling in their graves if whey saw what passes as "Men" in the new modern femanised society....don't bolive me?? go on youtube, and type in "emo" or "metrosexual"

Sosuave is there to help young men reclame their SELF RESPECT AND CONFIDANCE.

ahhhh, but i don't expect you to understand. After all your not open minded, and all this has been said and done before.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, you're going to need it.

Sosuave is about attracting high quality women and building passionate relationships with them.

Stop bashing people and go live your own life.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Pook is damn right!

Feminism IS the complete denial and escape from all accountability!

Anonymous said...

"Sosuave is about attracting high quality women and building passionate relationships with them."

Absolutely right. Most of us on would not even be their if we decided to SETTLE with women who settle with themselves. Something this blogger needs to realize is not all people are created equal. What attracts one women might not fly with another, such as you Ms. Blogger. Well, you are free to do and think as you wish, Ms. Blogger. And if a man comes up and maybe slighty brushes your arm, you can tell him your a flaming butch dyke lesbian and like to munch carpet. I'm sure he will get the message.

Anonymous said...

There are bad men. There are bad women. Men get hurt. Women get hurt. Men try to rescue messed up women. Women try to fix messed up men. Men screw up. Women screw up. As long as so many people are compelled to "fight" and blame the other gender for their misfortune, mistakes, pain and fears...nothing will get better between men and women. Feminists and Men's Rights activists are exactly the same. They would rather focus on what is wrong with each other instead of recognizing what is right. They're too busy blaming each other for everything and embracing victimhood to take responsibility for their own choices and happiness in life. Stop fighting with each's so stupid.

Anonymous said...

exactly what is wrong with boosting self confidence?

Anonymous said...

What you're reading is, essentially, meant to draw out a friend into some sort of conversation--not an entire site. Whereas he claims that he's just working on self confidence because a girl turned him down and he went through another bad break up, he's spending all his money and time on podcasts and workshops related to DJ stuff to try to make up for it, not to mention working pretty hard to get into this potentially married 35-year-olds pants.... When confronted directly by another friend she was blown off and called a "silly girl." We're just worried.

We're not worried that he'll finally get some, we're worried that the things he's quoting, that he's pointing out, are so far afield from who he was just a few years ago that we wouldn't recognize him if we saw him again. I don't think you need to be a jackass to be self confident. I don't think you have to regard women as objects of your personal enjoyment and nothing more to be self confident. And I especially think you don't have to do that while putting that one girl that turned you down (because she and EVERYBODY else including the guy whose hand you were clutching during a workshop thinks you're gay). If he's not gay, then yeah--maybe DJ junk will help him. But if he is, then he's only hurting himself and the chicks he's pursuing. And if he's not and he falls further then he's not a person that I think I could call a friend anymore without wondering what the heck he's thinking about me all the time.

This is a personal issue. This doesn't touch my class, where even my students aren't allowed to discuss religion or politics--and that includes sexual politics. They can't write papers about it, I can't discuss it. Why? Because I don't think that people can talk about it without intense emotion, including myself, and I don't think that the classroom is the right place for that to happen. It needs to be a safe space for whatever it is students are there to learn--not a place to get preachy.

Anonymous said...

Wow...And I thought I'd seen it all...

You feminist girlies here don't quite understand

On the surface it may appear to be a seduction site, but its true purpose lies beneath. It's true purpose is to teach guys with low self-esteem and low self-confidence to be what they want to be. It teaches more than just seduction...It teaches life.

I'm amazed that feminists could be so ignorant.

Here, because fair is fair:

Anonymous said...

I am a woman who posts on sosuave. I have posted there for over 5 years.

The purpose of the site is supposed to be to help men better themselves and overcome their own personal barriers to having productive dating or long term relationships.

Over the past few years a few anti-feminists have migrated to sosuave and it has brought about changes to the site. Sadly, the loudest voices are usually the radical thinking ones...and you're right...they are not teaching the right things.

I don't think the intentions of the men who join the site are to learn how to be angry with women or blame them for everything. They get sucked into the negativity...and they are hurting inside, frustrated and it's easier to blame than it is to take responsibility for the part you play in your own misfortune in life. A lot of what you read on the site is a bunch of guys trying to impress the guys with the loudest mouths. I honestly don't think most of them really feel or think like they are posting.

Like I keep telling the guys at the site, blaming each other, demonizing each other and looking at the world through the gender glasses only perpetuates the problems between men and women. Take the time to look at the media and society as if you were a man. From the time males are little boys they are made to feel guilty for being men. They are confused about what is expected of them and are collectively blamed for everything bad that ever happens to women. There are too many people embracing victimhood and not enough people choosing to be survivors...and it's happening on both sides of the argument.

As far as your friend goes...try offering him some HONEST help with his dating/relationship problems. By honest I mean don't tell him what you think he wants to hear...tell him the truth. If there is something about him that turns women off then tell him and give him productive advice to fix it. If more women were honest with men about this kind of stuff in the first place men wouldn't need sites like sosuave. If a guy asks you out and you aren't attracted to him then tell him the truth. He might not like it initially, but at least he knows the reason, and it can be done gently. Stop telling guys "you're too nice" because that has instilled the belief in men that the reason they don't do well with women is because they are "too nice", so a lot of them think they are supposed to be jerks.

My personal take on feminism and men's right long as men and women continue to battle each other over perceived slights nothing will ever change. Everyone should give Humanism a try because you can get a lot more done when you're all working towards the same goal and on the same team.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I've never told a guy he was "too nice," I'm not even sure it ever applied in this fellow's case.

All I really know is that he had some sort of bad experience while in Europe, and has turned to sites like sosuave to find solace. I know that he's angry and dismissive to anyone who suggests that his problem might not be what various websites say it is.

I know that when we were closer, he was a fellow who gave whomever was speaking his full attention, and had the right body language to let you know that you mattered. He treated women, in general, really well.

The quotes I chose here should speak to him more than members of the site. I haven't called him out anywhere where his friends can find him (on his own journal) because I don't think that's fair. I chose to do this here, on my space, because it's just that--my space. He can choose to respond in person or in this space where other people he knows can't see as he wishes. *Shrug.*

The quotes I chose were ones that popped up when running searches for things he says offhand, as in "Oh it's all about making women feel good, and I can get them to do what I want!" Yes, great. The first half of the statement is good, the second half? Not so good. These ideas had to be coming from somewhere so I googled like mad.

I know people like he's becomming, that are about 5 ish years older, that still can't quite get what they want and are just mean about it, not to mention bitter. I'd hate to see somebody I once considered a real friend go down that path. So yes--I'm frustrated.

I'm frustrated that somebody has to turn to the internet to get help, possibly because nobody feels like they can tell the truth. Then again, to the best of my knowledge none of the workshops he's gone to have ever pointed out "well, you sort of walk like you have a five foot stick up your ass. You might want to work on that." No, gestures and mannerisms shouldn't have anything to do with our assumption of somebody's sexuality--but if you don't have a whole heck of a lot else to work on they often do.

Anonymous said...

I'm Wyldfire on sosuave. Your blog entry has stirred quite a discussion there. I'm inviting you to come read what is being posted. Some of it may surprise you.

In all honesty, it sounds like your friend is a newcomer to the whatever site it is he is taking part in. In the beginning, guys typically "fake" confidence until they actually feel it. During that period of time their behavior and attitude tends to be somewhat exaggerated. If he follows the advice and teachings of the wrong people, he will ultimately fail in his pursuits and will learn the hard way. Clearly, he has been hurt badly enough and is frustrated enough that he feels he needs some assistance. You CAN help him by being REAL with him. He might accept the input, and he might not. However, if you care about him to the extent that you seem to...then you should at least try. That's why I post on the site...because I see where guys who join are being led in the wrong direction at times and I try to counter the bad advice with good advice.

The site isn't all bad, and there are some very good people who post there. Hopefully your friend will be able to weed out the bad and listen to the good.

As for having the power to "get what you want" and learning tools to do's only a bad thing when those tools are used to hurt people. If you use those tools to maintain a good relationship and learn how to act instead of react in order to lead your relationships positively, there's nothing wrong with that at all. It's when you use those tools in a way that harms others that it's bad.

Okay...enough from me...I will leave with one last point...if you try to offer constructive help that will address his issues with women he might be less compelled to invest so much time and money on seminars and websites. But if you're going to offer...please be completely honest with him. If he needs to try to improve his appearance...give him tips that will help.

Anonymous said...

So basically you are frustrated that your friend is changing into a better person by improving himself in all areas of his life and gain confidence this way.

This is sad, no wonder some of the guys end up hating feminists.

Anonymous said...

She's concerned that his NOT changing into a better person because he's saying things that are coming across not as "suave" but as rude and offensive. This is a fairly good indicator that he's listening to the wrong people.

Anonymous said...

So basically you are frustrated that your friend is changing into a better person by improving himself in all areas of his life and gain confidence this way.

Exactly. Women love how men are all subservient AFC nice manginas these days. Last thing they want is for us to reclaim our manhoods.

Her friend has already wasted his whole life already being a feminist lapdog...and to obviously shytty results. He is probably perpetually stuck in the "friendzone" while feminists fuk one bad boy after another that they supposedly "hate."

Bout time he WISED up and wasted not ANOTHER MINUTE sucking up to women!!!

Well, the PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING, fellas! Feminist-approved codes of behavior do NOT work out there! But, BEING A FUCKIN' MAN DOES!

As long as you are worried about what women think about you, you are mentally female and not male.

Sosuave is a great resource for men who want to become masters of their own destiny...not wussy-boys on short feminist leashes.

Anonymous said...

Lol, why would he ask for "honest advice" from the very same people who hurt him so badly and were probably very dishonest about it?


If you're dumb enough to do that, you deserve all the time it will waste you.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to disagree that something is "working" if the woman he has found is 10 years older and married. Seems like a new variation on an older problem.

I don't have any problem with somebody "being a man," but I suspect that that means different things to different people. I, personally, don't think it means posting on the internet about the physicality of every girl you talk to in bars, or calling your friends stupid for being female, or deciding not to have female friends anymore... or whatever else. I also don't think that you only have to listen to men's opinions to be a man either. Some of my friends that are male are worried about this guy too (those that know what's going on and have access to his blog, that is).

Anonymous said...

^ Oh please, guys are nowhere near as graphic as girls when discussing their sexual partners.

We give a brief outer description...whereas girls start off with dick size and work their way up from there. We're not stupid, we all know what girl talk consists of.

Anyhow, only an idiot expects different results from the same patterns. So, it sounds like he's taking inventory and overhauling his life - which is probably a good thing.

Fact is, a whole GENERATION of young men out here are simply FED UP with women and their collective BS. Why do you think sites like sosuave even sprang up? They filled a huge need...a huge GRASSROOTS vacuum...that was created by the behavior of modern young women and our misandrist society.

We tried the "nice" way.
We tried the "feminist-approved" way.

And it all backfired.

While we sat back & watched every Pamela Anderson run off with Tommy Lee's, Britney with K-Fed's and 40% of American women get knocked up by bad boys as single mommies.

So don't lecture us now, it's TOO LATE. We've seen the light/truth and are ADAPTING...and there is NO TURNING BACK NOW.

Anonymous said...

C'mon babe, stop pretending it didn't give you a thrill snooping in the Male Zone Of Forbiddeness.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, selective attention strikes again. I post on sosuave often enough, and there is no particular "sosuave way."

In fact, most of the advice I give (and with which most of the guys there wholeheartedly concur) is to be the best man they can be, show their dates a good time, not force anything, go with the flow, have self-respect, not be obsessed with any woman ("oneitis" is merely what you might call "obsession"), and not deny their sexuality. If that's what you call "misogynistic"...

FYI, the guy who referred to women as "all hors" the most was BANNED from the site. Yup, banned.

None of the guys on sosuave who knows jack advises men to go around pawing women indiscriminately. But the fact is, like it or not, when the "vibe" is right, most women do expect the man to make the first move. And a lot of guys' minds have been poisoned by the "politically correct" mentality that gave rise to absurd campus rules like having to ASK a woman if he can kiss her. Now how romantic is THAT?

If there's one consistent philosophy on sosuave, it is for men not to bury their masculine nature and sexuality. Yes, feminism as interpreted (I sincerely hope misinterpreted, but I can't speak for you) by many people HAS taught us that masculine traits are undersirable. Now THAT is bullshit. And I'm glad to help de-program guys who have been duped into buying into it.

Anonymous said...

I am Latinoman. I post there.

How can you judge an entire site based on one of its members? Or on random posts? Do you think is fair that we should judge women because of Cosmo Magazine or 17 or the Jane message board? Should we judge you because of Paris Hilton behavior? Or even because of you inability to come with a fair and balance post?

The has several rooms. And we, like ANYPLACE (websites, families, co-workers, etc.) have our share of morons. I personally post in the Mature one as I'm over 25 and from time to time glance the other rooms.

I am not going to say that we don't have some "men" that THINK the place is to learn how to pick women. As any fool can pick women.

The place is to teach men how to become a "DJ". What's a DJ?

A "DJ" is a man that has control over their life. A man that has "masculinity" and know how to treat women correctly. Treat women correctly? Yes. If a woman is taking advantage of the man, then my advice is for him to dump her. If a woman is "testing" the man, then my advice to him is to either ignore the test or methods that help him past the test...or simply (if he is unhappy) to dump her. If a woman is treating the man with respect, then she should be treated with respect too.

"DJ"ism is about having control over our life.

I admit some of the kids there need some serious help as they believe the place is to teach them "seduction". You cannot teach seduction!

For the same token, we have given solid advice to people on how to self-improve themselves.

There is a huge difference between a "pick up artist" (PUA) and a "DJ". PUAs are "good" on picking women (any fool can do that). DJs are good on having control over their lives and picking the right woman for a long term relationship.

If you feel that you have your stuff together...then you might find a "DJ" in your life. But, if you have gone through life thinking that you can do whatever...then you might either end up with a PUA or some loser. But not with a DJ.

Anonymous said...

I’m enjoying this discussion.

Regarding your friend, I understand where he’s coming from because I’ve been there. It was a hell of a shock to discover that I was doing so poorly with women despite being generally very well liked as a person largely because I’d been too often suppressing my own natural masculine tendencies, not wanting to be seen as a “pig;” and further had been debasing myself by trying too hard to please women and be agreeable... which sosuave helped me to see was ultimately NOT pleasing them... at least not the ones it was in my best interest TO please :). Though the motivation for a lot of this unproductive behavior was to impress women who considered themselves “feminists,” it wasn’t feminism that was to blame for this as much as my own lack of self-respect, when it comes down to it.

After this shocking realization, I went through a phase similar to the one he’s going through, which is not unlike a military boot camp in which the recruit is broken down to be built back up and come out of it a stronger man. Sure, I was a bit of a jerk at times, played too hard to get, and even turned off many women who otherwise might have been interested … but that’s what it took to right the ship, and even with those missteps I still had more success with women than ever before, and very good quality women at that, including women who consider themselves feminists. One has to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

The point of this post is not to worry about your friend. If he is indeed basically a good-hearted person who likes women and people in general, it’s almost certain he’ll get through this phase within a couple years or so, start making it so he’ll no longer have to fake it, and come out a stronger, wiser, and more desirable (within limitations of physical aging) man. You may not want to be among the other passengers in his journey through the dark night of the soul, but rest assured he’s likely to emerge from the abyss quite all right.

Anonymous said...

BTW, by "breaking a few eggs," I was referring to the ones with whom I didn't make it on account of being too much of a jerk. It occurred to me that line could be misinterpreted in a big way.

G M said...

He he, what is this?

It's funny how you feminists whine about "misogyny," yet at the top of your blogroll is a blog called the "Biting Beaver" with a graphic logo of a beaver biting through a wood kawk. Which is then a hub for dozens of other misandrist blogs...

But when Men finally wise up and start fighting back...all of a sudden that's not cool? Did you really just expect us all to roll over and play dead for eternity?

Roll over! Yes, good AFC! Fetch! Good mangina!

Sorry, but what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all. - Camille Paglia

This is why your friend can never become a Man under your approval. Because feminists want to be the Man and want men to be the Woman. While our evolutionary biology and hormones tell us the opposite. Which causes modern women a lot of gender confusion and to give a lot of mixed signals.

But as Mystery says, the field never lies...

And Nature always triumphs over humanity in the end.

Anti-feminism thus aims at deprogramming men victimized by this harmful propaganda (WHICH DOESN'T WORK IN THE REAL WORLD) and restoring our natural behavior that we were designed for. It's not about denying and apologizing for our suppressed masculinity anymore but embracing and enhancing it. A Penis Monologues, if you will...

Non-judgmentally give your buddy a few years of metamorphosis and watch him transform into something you'd!

\m/ 8==> \m/

Anonymous said...

Bottom Line-----It's ok to be a man, no matter how many times or ways that anyone says men are evil.

We are who we are, I will not apologize for being a man, and neither should you expect anyone to be sorry for wanting to be a man. And nobody should ever be sorry for reaching for what they want in life.

You live your life by the rules you make up for yourself, but keep your rules out of my life and your judgements of me to yourself.

Anonymous said...

I've read SoSuave for years. It is a crossection of the males in society.

It might change behavior for some and in my case it improved my behavior. I've dated some great women and the quality has improved every time.

But my question is more direct. Do you know Pook? Pook is a legend of sorts on the board.

I think we'd all love to know more about him. He's a great writer.

Tell us!

Anonymous said...

As an educator, I feel the need to provide opportunities for those who aren't well read in feminism to become familiar with its history:

1st wave feminism->More widely known as the women's suffrage movement, this movement was started in the 19C to allow women the right to vote and to express their views in a public forum.

2nd wave feminism-> This wave of feminism roughly began in the 1960s. Feminists from this era questioned how language is gendered, how language supports power structures, and how women are systematically discriminated against and are denied opportunities in the workplace.

3rd wave feminism-> This wave of feminism roughly began in the mid 1980s. Third wave feminism emphasizes all the ways that people have been discriminated against--not only in terms of gender, but also race, class, geophysical location, etc. It not only focuses on the ways that women have been discriminated against, but also the way men have been discriminated against, too. It's very much tied to notions of humanism, but realizes that there are still patterns of discrimination.

Two books that I highly recommend that give a nuanced idea of what feminism means now and provide a decent explanation of how the current wave differs from the first two are _Third Wave Agenda: Being Feminist, Doing Feminism_ (Leslie Haywood & Jennifer Drake, eds.) and _Feminism Beside Itself_(Diane Elam & Robyn Wiegman, eds.) If we are going to talk about feminism and what it means now, we should at least be clear about what we mean by feminism and how various strains of thought have informed that. After all, this is an academic blog.

One last thing I want to add is that my friend Jill has been completely (and unfairly, I might add) stereotyped. All that she did was express concern about her friend and patterns of people being mistreated. From what I know of Jill, she's someone who's very concerned about the equality of all people. That seems very humanistic to me.


G M said...

Pop quiz: Who funded 2nd wave feminism and why?
Give up?
Ok, answer here (and here).

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, since when are women allowed to speak outside of the kitchen?

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